Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I do it for LOVE

After many months of only having passion for writing blogs about the tragedies and depressions of my life, I have recently started to become engaged in my blessings (through taking responsibility for my own self-inflicted crap, of course). I am so thankful to see the silver lining and come out of the other side of my "victim" choke-hold...
Such is why I am writing this; as a labor of love to the people in my life who are so valued, who hold/held me accountable, and whom I could not have been inspired to grow without. I believe that with God and His desires for my life, I have been given gifts of friendship that I have never experienced before. I am thankful for every single person who has rallied around me these past few months...thank you for showing me what I have been too stubborn to see before; acceptance, loyalty, patience, and unconditional love....It is amazing what can happen when you LET IT GO and give it up to Him! I love you all so know who you are <3


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