Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Oh Captain, My Captain."

I was sitting in my boss's office earlier this morning watching a movie....you heard it right; a movie. To our defense, however, it was research for our " At the Movies" series. So ya, there we were watching clips of the maginificant and classic "Dead Poets Society." If you have not seen this movie, it is a MUST. For us english nerds, it is one of the great inspirations of our chosen passion.

As the movie rolled, the climactic part beagn... The part in which all of the the teacher's students ( all male, as it is an all boys school) stand on their desks and recite the phrase to him, " Oh Captain, My Captain." I got chills. To take a writers words and offer it to someone as a gift of endearment is truly a remarkable way of romancing, and is very personal...And that is what they were doing, giving their teacher a huge gift of respect and heart.

I once gave someone a book of poetry, and inside of it was a stanza from my favorite poem by Dylan Thomas, " Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, Rage against the dying of the light." To other readers this may mean nothing, but to me it opens up colors and artistry that meld and manifest into my soul, creating a sense of ownership and security. To have written this in the gift I gave was nothing less than an offer of my heart and soul, and thus proves my idea of owning anothers words and how powerful it is to offer them as gifts.

It is so important that we open our hearts and minds up to the great literature and words of those before us, and bring them into this world. I promise, they will enrich your life, paradigm and vocabulary far more than what Lil' Wayne can offer...."OHHHKAAAY!"

-Just sayin'

Monday, August 18, 2008


I recently bought a c.d. (yes, this still happens in 2008) by an artist named Duffy. She is somewhat new and most known for her song, "Mercy." The album proved to be not only a respectable throwback to the vinyl and velvety ( I hope that is a word) 50's and 60's era, but also offered me an opportunity to relate and reflect...

I felt this the most while listening to track 10, "Distant Dreamer." As the lyrics played, " ...I'm wondering about my destiny. I am think about all the things I'd like to do in my life...I'm a DREAMER, a distant DREAMER..." Suddenly I began to develope that jaw-tightening and egg-like lump that rests in your throat during intense moments of happy emotion. These lyrics got my wheels turning and instantly it all became clear to me, as a wave of hope and excitement drowned my soul. My speech bubble might have looked a little like this..."I have the whole world to play in and and exciting future that is more thrilling than any moment of frustration or stagnation I may feel. " I felt light and drew a smile...:)

I say all of this as more of a "thought-blurb" than to offer Pascal-esque insight...telling of this "light bulb" moment is only meant to offer something relational to whoever reads this. That you too can be a "distant dreamer" no matter how stuck in the sand or different you may feel:)

Thanks for sitting in my randomness with me for a bit...-J

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Acorns

It has been a while since I have blogged on this thing, and due to the fact that I have decided to get rid of myspace, I feel that now is as good a time as any to start blogging more regularly.

ALOT has gone on in my life recently. Not only have I decided to regress to my first major, English-Literature, have found my new apartment, have gained a degree minor and have learned that my dad is getting married in September, I have also decided to nuture some neglected relationships in my life....

Last night I went and stayed with my grandma, cousin and aunt in Katy due to the "tropical storm. " More like a sprinkle of precipitation that just so happened to form in a somewhat tropical place that experienced one lightening bolt. Nonetheless, I went to stay with them. It was a very fun evening and was marked as one of many days that we have spent together recently. Since my parents have left, I have somewhat isolated myself from a few important people in my life and it has been so nice to reconnect with my family and to get to have this, what is now weekly, quality time together. I enjoy the conection I feel to family, and it is awesome to have those moments where I remember times with them as a little girl, and can't believe how much time has passed.

While I have been so resistant to change and have been too stubborn to ask people for help or for some quality time, this is an example of how breaking down those walls can bless your life.

I recognized this the most this morning while I was sitting in the recliner next to my grandma, drinking coffee with her and having the same feeling I did every morning with my mom. What can I say, I guess the acorn never really does fall too far, you just have to care enough to look for it.