Monday, August 18, 2008


I recently bought a c.d. (yes, this still happens in 2008) by an artist named Duffy. She is somewhat new and most known for her song, "Mercy." The album proved to be not only a respectable throwback to the vinyl and velvety ( I hope that is a word) 50's and 60's era, but also offered me an opportunity to relate and reflect...

I felt this the most while listening to track 10, "Distant Dreamer." As the lyrics played, " ...I'm wondering about my destiny. I am think about all the things I'd like to do in my life...I'm a DREAMER, a distant DREAMER..." Suddenly I began to develope that jaw-tightening and egg-like lump that rests in your throat during intense moments of happy emotion. These lyrics got my wheels turning and instantly it all became clear to me, as a wave of hope and excitement drowned my soul. My speech bubble might have looked a little like this..."I have the whole world to play in and and exciting future that is more thrilling than any moment of frustration or stagnation I may feel. " I felt light and drew a smile...:)

I say all of this as more of a "thought-blurb" than to offer Pascal-esque insight...telling of this "light bulb" moment is only meant to offer something relational to whoever reads this. That you too can be a "distant dreamer" no matter how stuck in the sand or different you may feel:)

Thanks for sitting in my randomness with me for a bit...-J

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